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I have been a long and devoted follower of Planet Kitchen and fully support the nature's farmacy movement. When I was first introduced to its "fixer elixer" I was completely sold. It began with a shot per day with me and my daughter and from that moment on we have had little effect of cold, allergies and my with little joint pain when I regularly dose! I can't wait until this valuable product is available again! Cheers to good health!   Marcia M.  Baltimore MD



The spice made from this Fixer Elixir is amazing! Worked awesome on my organic tomato sauce! Ben S.  Charlotte SC



While traveling, pocket hot shots of PURE FIRE fire tonic make the perfect spice addition to fajitas! Thanks for the good medicine! Carrie J.  Ashland OR



Great flavors and healing too. Cathy D.  Asheville NC


I was in the emergency room Saturday morning because of the worst pain I have ever had. It turned out that I had an acute bacterial infection and an acute viral infection. The combination has knocked me out. My stomach is a mess from them and the meds. 
In steps my savior...Pure Fire! After two shots, my stomach is finally feeling better! I only wish I had more! Thank you my friend for your amazing medicine...♥️ 
Kirsten R.  Hilton Head SC


I happened across the PURE FIRE tonic on a visit to Green Sage Cafe in Asheville, NC. From that first one ounce shot I was sold. It has become a part of my morning ritual for the last month. I feel stronger, have a lot more energy and have been sleeping better at night. I love all the organic ingredients, thank you for all your hard work in developing an awesome product.  Jamie K Raleigh NC


Recently we visited Asheville NC. While walking around an Organic Festival, we stumbled across an interesting product named Pure Fire Hot Shots which contained a number of organic anti-inflammatory ingredients. When I read Organic tumeric, ginger and reishi mushrooms (just to name a few) it had my full attention. The list impressively continued and I knew it was something that I needed to try. I have recently been dealing with some autoimmune issues and trying to address them with healing foods rather than traditional pharmaceuticals that can have horrific side effects. To my delight, this elixir has really been a great addition to my morning and evening battle plan. I feel much stronger and more alert since I have added this to my daily ritual. I just wanted to say thank you for being so passionate about what you do and for making a truly effective supplement that has made a real difference in my health and vitality. Thank you David! Beth P Springdale AK


It kept me healthy when all my coworkers were bringing in their germies the past 2 weeks!! Kelly H. Ft Lauderdale FL

My daughter came down with this terrible flu and I immediately began my fast...only (almost) this tonic, now on day 5, not sick and not hungry and feeling high!! LOVE this product!! Marilyn M. Laurel Bloomery TN




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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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